About Compra Y Venta

Compra Y Venta is the leading Semanario (Newspaper) offering the service of free Superclassified ads publication: throughout Canada. An experience of more than 25 years reveals that Semanario Compra Y venta serves the needs of a main audience of almost a million Spanish speaking people in Canada and US.

In Spanish or in English, Buying and Selling crossed the language barrier and has establish itself as the most effective means to provide services and integrate companies and citizens of Spanish origin, in particular, and the Canadian, Italian, Portuguese, and other communities. Every day we see that more and more people are interested in saving money, so we think that our readers and advertisers get what they need at the most advantageous price. Yes; you want to buy, sell or offer some service: We are your Weekly and as our slogan says: "The Best Solution".

Semanario Compra Y Venta is read by people of all ages. On our pages you will find a selection of "Super classified"  car dealerships, news, entertainment, events and companies that offer various products and services. This Newspaper is designed, and carried out with one single objective: to give the Spanish speaking community everything it needs for each concern or need, whether personal or commercial. This is one of the most important reasons why the Spanish speaking community choses Buy and Sell to advertise for the last 25 years is due to the high volume of distribution throughout the GTA and adjacent areas. El Semanario is distributed in more than 1000 locations, not only in Spanish speaking shops, but also in the most renowned large supermarket chains and commercial plazas. Our Semanario is everywhere!